My latest pix of the fish Babies in the tank consist of 2 weeks up to 6 months old. So far the Rusty's, Electric Yellow, Saulosi and Cobalt looked to have produced. The Maingano are currently holding and are expected to drop soon.
I started keeping fish and frogs that I collected locally when I was about 11. I kept 5 tanks at the time a 3', 3x 2' and a 18". I had goldfish in 2 of the 2' tanks, natives in the other 2' tank, tropicals in the 3' and babies in the 18" tank.
I bred guppies and swapped the babies for other fish at my LFS. I also kept Pearl Gourami's, Angelfish, Mollys, Platies and Swordtails. When I moved to the country I kept Guppies again then moved to Oscars and finally Koi. When I returned to the city, my partner and I started to keep Bettas, Gouramis, Loaches, Plecos, Cichlids and Koi.