Friday, February 12, 2010

Short Term Fixes

With all the fish in the big tank atm the nooks n crannies have run out, so off I went today and picked up some cheap PVC piping elbows for them- only cost $1.75 each and are great for what they need (even if ugly) also found about a metre of PVC tubing in the yard at home and got my partner to apply the jigsaw to it to cut it up for me. Then I sanded both ends of the pipe and glued it together with aquarium silicone into a cichlid condo with a triangular style to it so there are nine more spots for the fish.

The design looks like this.
I would have put one more on but there wasn't enough pipe.
I might have a look around and see if I can find some more to house our homeless so they all feel safe and secure.
I am going to try and hide the fact that they are PVC piping a little by siliconing up the pipes and rolling them in gravel. When they are cured I am going to bury them in the gravel a bit and hopefully hide the ugly plastic look.

One of the Rusty's face shape has changed and she looks like she is holding- I wouldn't have noticed it but have seen so many pix on the web over the last few days I recognised it. Not sure if it means she has the eggs in her mouth already or fry or if she is just ready to have her eggs but she is tiny only a bit larger than 2.5cm I would never have thought that she could have eggs that young.

All of the fish are wandering around with full bellies now from the algae tablets- got to get some larger ones tomorrow for the hungry hippos.

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