Friday, February 12, 2010

Want Moar Fish!!!

Heavy sigh...
I want more fish in my life, but cannot decide what I want.
Here are some of my choices:
Maingano pack- ever since I started my cichlid tanks I have wanted these guys. I was meant to get them from a fish fancier but he never got back to me. Now I feel as though they are missing from my tank (loads of yellow fish not enough blue?)
Loaches- Zebra or Polka-Dot would be nice and could go in either cichlid tank except the Tan tank (pH waaaay too high) but both are hard to find and quite pricey.
Pseudotropheus crabro pack- sigh, more yellow fish but the colouration is stunning
Tropheus sp "Red"- high cost, gorgeous colouring
Tropheus moorii- see above
Labidochromis sp. "Hongi"- very delightful looking fish and moderately tempered would fit into either Malawi tank fine.
Metriaclima lombardoi- fairly aggressive fish but could go into the Tropheus tank with all the other aggressive fish and would break the darkness of the Orange Bemba and dubosi nicely.
Melanochromis parallelus- juvies are black and white while the adults look like Maingano's. They have the same temperament as all Melanochromis and are aggressive but less problematic since they would be going into an established tank.

Suggestions anyone?


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