Friday, February 12, 2010

All Quiet...shhh let's not make a noise

I bought some sand at last for my outside tanks. I wanted to see how it went in there. It arrived the other day from my favourite online store -> Age of Aquariums specifically the Eco Complete African Cichlid Sand which comes in 9kg bags along with some Protozin 120ml $25.00 to treat Protozoas and fungal infections, a bottle of Myxazin 120ml also $25.00 to treat bacterial infections and Sterazin 120ml $25.00 for treating parasites.
I was going to buy the big bottles of these medications but thought I was just being a bit paranoid as I haven't had any outbreaks in my fish since the whitespot when I first got my fish which I treated with no medication other than increased water temp and salt.
The reason for this sudden purchase is that I have had a few fish mysteriously perish recently with no rhyme or reason. In case it continues to happen I want to be able to treat for the most likely suspect parasites...the other two meds are for my ability to go way over the top and also because these meds are generally much more expensive and I love a bargain and it costs me $7.50 whether I buy one item or 50 at AoA so I generally buy lots of stuff at a time.

Anyway, the sand went in during the weekly water change tonight and my Trops went nuts. They were burrowing and swishing the sand around, making it even muddier and having a ball. I had a little bit left over so I dumped it in a pile in the upper tank and looked up to see the Cory's and BN sitting on the mound of sand, looking just like they had claimed it as their own patch.
If all goes well with the sand outside I might look at buying some more for the inside tank as it would look fantastic as it is black and white.

Another thing I did a while ago was buy some AOA Fish Food to replace the slightly more expensive pellets I have been getting from my fave fish store. I assume they are similar in composition to the Spectrum brand, not that anyone will say so but the phrase "Extremely similar to leading German Brand" leads me to think this is who they are probably talking about.
Anyway, I have been feeding my fish this new food for about a month now and they love it. It costs about half of the other pellets I was getting which were also similar to "that" brand with 1kg costing $35.00 which is very good value for money. I also feed them their HBH Veggie Flakes as usual (these are by far the best for my cichlids IMO). Their colours are vivid and they all look extremely healthy. Before anyone suggests that maybe the food is causing the unexplained deaths, the deaths started some time before the food was introduced).

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