Friday, February 12, 2010


Well just before my tank completely disappears behind a wall of green algae I thought I had better buy some more bristlenose to attack it. So 8 more in the tank today- they thought they had gone to heaven and promptly set upon it all (is it too hopeful that by tomorrow my tank will be immaculate?? lol). They are only tiny little things though so I don't think they can do it all in one night but it would be nice.
I also got 2 dwarf gourami for the little tank much to the horror of my golden gourami male "Mr Bully" who just sat and glared at them- I think he was beside himself...if he had been a cat he would have had all his fur stand on end. He was so bad I think he almost imploded. The biggest issue though was the Pakistani Loach who didn't like his tank being invaded and chased them around for about 10 minutes before being sidetracked by his tummy rumbles and his need to eat everything he can get his mouth onto. Ahh belly wins over invasion apparently so there he was getting into everything again and stuffing his little face. All is quiet in there now except for the Pakistani who is hoping I will feed him "just one more time"...

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